Monday, February 1, 2010


Since I know you are all much too busy reading my blog to read Oprah's latest magazine, I decided to sum up a very important article she published. It's title 11 ways to feel beautiful!

1) Stand Tall- your brain is always checking into your body to make see how you are feeling. Different postures send different signals to the brain about your mood, so stand tall and your brain will receive the message that all is well :)
2) Be an observer, not a judge - When you look in the mirror just make scientific observations about what you see. If you have a scar, you can decide to see it as a flaw or a memory of an injury. Either way it should simply register as a scar, not ugly or gross.
3) Find something to Admire in yourself - Pretty self explanatory.
4) put on a happy face - Humans naturally are drown to smiling faces and away from frowns.
5) Breathe Deeply - Shallow breathing manifests itself as tension in you face.
6) Just Say Thanks - When given a compliment, simply repling, thanks you instead of coming back with a defense of your own opinions will build confidence.
7) Wear Color- Just a pop of color can lighten any one's mood :)
8) Loosen up - When your muscles are tight it sends signals of discomfort to your brain and brings your moral down.
9) Give Yourself a Reality Check - Don't let the media control what your idea of a perfect body is, let reality decide that.
10) Choose your friends wisely - Recent research shows that our social networks have a profound effect on our attitudes and behaviors - including how we perceive our appearance.
11) View yourself in a flattering light - they meant literally, as in change your light bulbs from normal light that washes out color on your face and body to a more flattering light that is more of a clean white. Also consider the angles of your lighting, especially around mirrors.

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