Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow day from hell

Today started out great. I slept in bc I had no class and the school I was practicuming at was cancelled too. I had some girls meeting me up at deadman's hill down hines to go sledding, all was good. Until I got a text from a person who told me really bad news. I had to get a blood test and my health was being questioned. So crying I called my big sis, and shereen. I decided I'd still go sledding and then went out to eat with them afterwards, then I headed to pick up shereen who took me to get the blood test. For those who don't know me, I'm a HUGE vein-aphobe. That is, I'm terrified of veins. Like nothing can touch my veins and letting a needle be inserted into one and blood being drawn from it is completely out of the question. That's like saying to an arcane phobic person, on hey, we're just gonna let this spider crawl on you for 2 minutes, it might lay eggs but NBD! It's a Big Deal! But I did it b/c my health was in question. Then I went to Bikram Yoga because my muscles had been tense since that text message and I had been shaking all day. Now I'm home and relaxed enough to attempt to do some homework, but no promises yet. I'm so exhausted from this horrible horrible day that I just want to go to sleep and dream happy unrealistic thoughts.I wish this person would just call me or stop by or something to reassure me that they will be there if I need them, which I do right now. Lord help me get through this week until the test results come back. Don't let me stress myself out too much. Oh and did I mention I have a pre-calc test tomorrow?

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