Monday, February 1, 2010


This is my monday schedule for the rest of the semester;

wake up at 6:30 - Pack lunch, make breakfast, take lady out
Leave apt at 7:25 -go to work
Leave work at 11:30 - Drive home while eating lunch
12:00 - Let Lady out, do what I can with H/W
12:50 - Leave for practicum
3:00/3:45 - Leave practicum, go home.
4-5- cook dinner/eat dinner, do what I can with H/W
5:30 - Leave for class
6-8 - Teaching the exceptional child class in FCS
8- leave class, go over to CASL
9- Sorority meeting
10/11 - Leave school and go home :)

Anyone want to tell me a more complicated/busy schedule? B/c I'm convinced there isn't one. So far so good, I haven't made any mistakes such as forgetting what I need to bring when and such. I am tired though and Lady bug is very warm and cuddly. I have to leave early for class today b/c I need to get the book still.

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