Sunday, January 31, 2010

going to bed

I was frustrated earlier, but I'm much better now. THe schedule thing in normal in a healthy relationship and the fact that he is making an effort to see means that he is still into me (or so says the movie he's just not that into you). So I'm good with it. I'll probably see him tuesday with my friends and he said he'd come out with stuffy and gary thursday after his class and he'll probably come over saturday after work again, it's kind of becoming our official 'date night' which I think is very important to have when both parties in question are as busy as we are. It was bothering me earlier, but now I see that the fact that everyone of our friends wants to double date with us is such a good thing. It means that they really care about me and want to get to know the person I'm letting into my life. Speaking of which, my dad wants to meet Doug over Kristen's birthday dinner (if she has one, which she always does). So he's sweating bullets already, lol! When I told him when her birthday was he responded "oh good, just enough time to get nervous." HAHA It's a good thing that he's nervous, it tells me that he wants to make a good impression. And as for the whole valentine's day thing, I don't care what he does for me that day, it's not a big deal. I am interested in seeing what he does though b/c it could tell me a lot about him. So I'm keeping my mouth shut and letting everything happen the way it was supposed to happen and enjoying the ride along the way. You know, I'm a firm believer in the saying it's the journey, not the destination.

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