Friday, February 12, 2010


So Inter Varsity Greek Conference is going well. I met up with my cousin and her sorority sister here and we are going out to breakfast in the am after I workout. Today was not a good day for me though. Since I had crazy stuff going on in the morning today I didn't eat breakfast so my whole day was thrown off from there. I got in the car at 1 to drive out here (still with no food in my hungry little belly) and ate doughnut holes bc that was the only food available in the car. That's basically all I had, plus a few chips and a bunch of sugar (a brownie and juice). I have had nothing of value so I ate a banana, but it was after 7 so I still don't feel good about it. I just feel very unhealthy and unhappy with how my life is right now. Things are nutzo with my sorority life bc this one girl flipped out bc I was snappy in an email, Doug is driving me crazy, and now I'm not even taking care of myself. I'm not sure what's going on, but every time I come to this conference I start to get very negative about life in general. For example, all the couples here met here, and I can't help but think that they are staying together bc the bible disagrees with divorce. I believe that if u are unhappy with ur marriage, then disregard the man written book and go with what God tells you. You can say that it's the devil urging you to divorce your significant other, but our God is a good God and He would not want u to be unhappy. This has to be considered in this situation. God will not put you in a terminal situation where your happiness is significantly decreased. Yes there are times when you need to endure some pain to get to the improvements needed (like breaking up with a long term bf to find a better independent life on ur own and move on to better things) but in the end, you will be happy following God's will and if you're not, then you weren't following my God's will. My God wants me to be happy and live a prosperous life, regardless of what the man written word of God says. PPL need to understand that the BIBLE WAS MAN WRITTEN. Yes, God inspired everything in the book, BUT it has also been passed down, revised, translated, rewritten, etc, et for so long that I have a hard time even carrying a religious conversation with anyone who interprets it literally. You just can't, unless u honestly think our God wants us to live lives that are not consistent with our freedom or autonomy. Isn't that the entire reason God gives us the CHOICE to invite him into our hearts? Isn't that why he gave us free choice? yes, it is. No one has yet to change my mind on this and I'm pretty dead set in my ways here. The bottom line is that my God is good. Is you God? bc I'm really not sure from the things you are telling me about him.

About the whole doug thing, I love this boy to death. He makes me very happy and I would do almost anything for him. He has his own life, he leave me to my own life and all is well. But right now with the things we are dealing with in our relationship, I'm looking at him thinking 'ur lying to me about something' and he's looking at me thinking the same thing and it is driving me nutzo. I have to give him the benefit of the doubt bc he has been so completely and brutally honest about everything else that there's no logical reason for him to be lying now, but we'll just have to wait and see. I will say that I admire his effort in this relationship. I mean, I know relationships take work, but this relationship has taken a lot of work and a lot of commitment and it's nothing I wasn't ready for, but for him to be ready for it too and for him to be putting so much effort into it is taking my breath away. Most guys would have given up when I freaked out bc I felt like he wasn't supporting me, but he worked through it with me and fixed the problem (which was just a miscommunication). He's a good kid and I can't wait to kiss him when I get back on Valentine's day, I just hope this IVGC thing doesn't put me in that bad of a mood. Last year they had me going home contemplating if I could even stand to go through the whole marriage thing since I wasn't willing to accept that divorce wasn't an option or that I was supposed to give up all my rights to my husband and let him be the head of the house and tell me what I should and shouldn't be doing and basically controlling everything! My God would NEVER put me in that situation, bc that would be my hell. My God wants me to be in Heaven, so that's where I'm gonna go, weather that means divorcing a controling hubby or simply finding one that isn't over powering, I will get there or as close as I can while I am here on Earth. To those who interpret the bible literally, I SAY PISH! I hope you enjoy letting ur husband control your every move and asking permission to go buy something in a store when you're 40 years old and making most of the household income. yeah....NO THANK YOU!

1 comment:

  1. The Bible was written by men, inspired by God, but God's all powerful and all knowing. He knows everything that's going to happen in the future. So, he inspired the right people to write the Bible for him, knowing exactly the many different translations and paths it would take. Knowing this, he put protective factors into the Bible's future. He knew where it would go and what would happen if it would be translated here vs here, so he makes sure that it gets into the right hands. It's still the number 1 best selling book. While God constantly communicates to us via prayer and our conscious, he also uses the Bible. Why would he tell us the Bible is his word and then allow it to become mistranslated. He didn't just abandon it after inspiring it. You concieve and carry a child for 9 months. After it's born, you don't just abandon it. No, you take care of it and buy it a car seat for wherever it's going to go next. You install protective factors to make sure it stays safe.
