Saturday, February 13, 2010

I'm a better person than you give me credit for

Today our concentration groups (mine being thrive) split into two seminars, sex and dating was on and the other was drinking alcohol. I choose to go to the drinking alcohol one since that is more relivant to my life right now. Pretty much everything was in line with what I amd doing. I have been drunk twice since last June which is not good, but I know it's not good and I am making the necessary changes to ensure that I don't go into that state of drunkeness again before I even went to this seminar. Then about the whole 'bible says to obey the laws of land' deal, and since I'm 20 I shouldn't be drinking bc it's the law. Well, I ask the qestion of what if we were obey the laws of the land when christianity was outlawed? It was interesting to watch the faces of these ppl who interpret the bible literally when faced with that question. I also I ask the question, is it possible that this was translated or influenced by the people translating in hopes of creating a more obedient society? The answer is yes even though some ppl will go back and forth with me over that one bc they believe that the ppl, the MEN to be more specific, who wrote the bible had THAT close of a relationship with God that God told them what to write word for word. This could be, and I might believe that originally that's how it happened. But then sin took over after that and currupt ppl had the option to translate it and what not into what some ppl decide to take literally. I think that's PISH.

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