Monday, February 22, 2010


Dream 1) This was a wonderful dream. I was surrounded by chocolate, carmel chocolate, chocolate strawberries, football shaped chocolate, etc. It began as a tour of sorts where I was being lead around like in a garden. We 'picked' strange looking things and ate around thorns and outer peels to discover that they were all chocolate! It was like a patch of different kinds of chocolate plants! I picked a 'bushel' full of 'chocolates' and brought them home where I melted them in my warm hand and licked up the melted chocolate. Then my alarm rang and I hit the snooze button hoping I could jump back into my chocolately dreams but then someone texted me so I had to open my eyes. It was ok though bc the text said SNOW DAY! Which mean I didn't have to wake up and I didn't have the midterm I've been stressing over. So I went back to sleep and tried to get back in the mode of chocolate patches full of strange chocolates!

Dream 2) NOT as nice as the first. I was out, I think buying chocolate, when my apt complex called me saying they picked up motion on the motion detector in my apt and they knew I was out. I thought of lady immediately and could hardly get out the words GO INSIDE, they were asking my permission for entry. I dropped what I was doing and sped home to find the maintenance ppl hold Lady down. She was just finishing having a seizure. I thanked them and took her the hospital, not the vet bc u know she's human in my mind. At the hospital they had to do surgery and when that ended I went in to see her hooked up to an IV in her back and another thing of meds sticking in her back. Her mouth had a tourniquet (Is that the word for that rubber band they use to pool blood into ur arm before draining it?) on it for some reason not understood by me bc she could still 'talk' to me when she woke up. I touched her cute little head and she woke up and ran right into me (we were both on the floor pillow since she was a dog, not a human :P When she did that the tubes came out and she turned around and went back to her floor bed so the nurse could put them back in. The nurse told be it's best to let her rest but she'd be ok.

THEN the weird stuff happened. I left Lady's room to go into the children's ward where a ruckus was break out among a family. The little boy had gone missing. I walked on my path but was soon followed by two teenaged boys who looked to be carrying GUNS! the only way I could go down this hall was into the place where dead ppl are. one of them instructed me to open each small door. I opened one and out popped this boy! He jumped out at me and the shooting began! Then one thing lead to another and the hospital was on fire! The kid's dad was on the other side of the doors, both of the first teenaged boys were dead, or more so blown up with their remains all over the boy and was quite disturbing. The boy stared hard at his father I had heard talking earlier, now aiming a gun at his son who was about to set off a bomb. The father had to shoot his sun to save the entire hospital, even I, just walking into this mess, knew that. He shot and the boy went down, but I could tell he wasn't dead. The father ran in and I ran out! I ran straight to Lady. The nurse was unhooking all the other dogs in her ward and by the time I got to lady she was ready to be placed in my arms once again. I ran out of that hospital before I started crying. I had seen so many deaths in just one little dream, I wanted to go back to chocolate heaven, not war zone hospital. Lady licked my face and when I opened my eyes she was wagging her tail. She was saying thank you and that she loved me.

Flash forward to the boy's father in a classroom reading a book to several handicap children. His son, the one about to blow up the hospital, rolls into the room in a wheel chair. The two exchange smiles and head nods and the father continues reading while the boy takes his spot next to another wheel chair. The boy will be paralyzed forever from the waist down, but he has forgiven his father and his father has forgiven his boy.

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