Friday, February 12, 2010

Crazy Friday morning

Last night I went to sleep around 12:30 even though my apt was a mess and I knew my mom was going to stay here the next night and my bags for the weekend were not packed (I got side tracked making the best v-day gift for a cute boy). SO I woke tried to wake up early today to get things done, BUT when I woke up at 8 the bathroom was flooded and I really had to pee like always when I wake up! So I laid down towels and called maintenance who came over and did something to the toilet, so apparently now it's gtg, but I don't want to walk on all the toilet water to pee! My bladder hates me right now but I'm working on it! So I ended up calling in to the MHS where I was supposed to be at 10, but the phones weren't going through, so I emailed her about it. I hope she got it but I have yet to get a response. So now I'm going to pack my bags and hopefully pee, then go to the store to get CD's and CD labels to complete the coolest v-day gift ever! He doesn't read this blog (he says) but for the record, it's not JUST a CD, ok? It's the BEST three things a boy could get for v-day. I think mom and David are just going to have to deal with my apt being a complete mess bc I do not have time to clean it up! haha, I have a valentine's to finish! (No I'm actually going to finish it on my trip I just need the materials.

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