Thursday, February 25, 2010

lying vs leaving out IMP facts

So Doug told me he was going get highlights today. He told me it would be before his presentation. What he didn't tell me was Jessica Matthews was doing it for him. I don't care that she did it, I care that he didn't tell me she was going to do it. I think this bothers me bc Jenya walked by today and asked if I had seen him yet and that Jessica said they looked good. So I texted him and told him that word on street has it he looks pretty good with highlights. He asked who said that and I told him the Jessica told Jenya that. Perfect opportunity to say well she's the one who did them, or it was her handy work, or yeah she did a good job on me, something that indicates that he's not hiding it from me.

I get fb tonight and Jessica Matthews chats me and says I should have been there bc she washed his hair or something idk all I'm paying attention to is the fact that he didn't want me to know that he was going to have jessica do his hair. This is the dumbest thing ever, they're frds. Why wouldn't he say she was going to do it for him? I feel like that's an important piece of information. He does this a lot I'm realizing and I don't like it. I love that he's honest with me but is this really being honest? It just sounds like lying to me. We're going to have to talk about this the day before I leave for California but you know what? If he can't promise to tell me the whole truth and nothing but the truth from this day forward (OK, a little exaggerated) then pish. I'm back to square one and I'll have to make another requirement list.

I'm glad he likes his hair though. I hope I do too :)

UMMM yeah just found out why he was busy tonight. He's going over Abee's house with a bunch of ppl including Jessica Matthews... AGAIN why is he hiding this from me? This is like holding a match to a burn victim.

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