Monday, February 1, 2010

Guys are idiots

I had a great day today and I'm in my meeting and we're discussing polar plunge where participants raise $50 over a certain amount of time and then plunge into the detroit river in freezing weather. I have said no way jose to this opportunity for the past 2 years, but this year I decided I need to do it b/c it will be very liberating to plunge with someone I trust, that list includes Doug, Stuffy, Kuzava, Amanda Dillion, so on, and so on. So I asked Doug expecting him to say no, which he did, but he was total jerk about it. The convo was via texts so I brushed his bluntness off as jokingly and said I was giving him a cold wet hug afterwards anyway with this face: :P

He responded, and I quote, "who said I had to be there anyway?" can u say jerk? So I tried to brush it off but it just stuck with me. my good mood was tainted and he was the cause. So he asked if we were still hanging out tomorrow night and I said I'm not sure b/c he was being mean. I expected him to apologize and say he didn't mean it like that, but no, he kept digging and replied some snotty reply about not feeling guilty for not plunging with me. SO I explained my stance to him about not caring about that, but caring that my bf was being a complete and utter bitch (yes, I called him a bitch). To this long explanation he finally said "I'm sorry." But by that time I was mad. He was being Sam Circa F'08 and bringing me down when his sole purpose in my life is to bring me up. So I told him I wasn't sure if it was ok, and then I asked him to tell me something else was bothering him, looking for any explanation of this jerk coming out in him, to no avail. He didn't respond to my pleas, so I ended the convo with "you should call me." and that's where that is.

AND there's a whole other thing with guys going on but it's not my issue to blog about so I don't feel right doing so. It's just scary dating guys who can basically tell you anything and b/c you have nothing else to go off of you believe them and could find out that they are completely full of PISH! At this moment I'm about to swear into never dating again 60% of my reasoning coming from this problem, 20% from Doug and the other 20% from past experiences.

I'm sorry, but Doug is in my life to bring me happiness and joy and if he doesn't do that anymore, then he will not be in it. I hate to say that b/c he has made me so happy for the last month, but I refuse to compromise on this. I can handle a fight every once in awhile, but he needs to call me back and have a good reason for starting this argument asap or this fight just turned into something I don't want in my life. So I'm waiting on that to play out and finishing my homework. my fun day just turned into a horrible night. oh, sorry, I mean morning, it's 12:30...

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