Saturday, February 6, 2010

It seems like karma's making it's round

Good thing #1: Stuffy and I had some quality time together and some great conversations about life.

GT#2: got drunk for the first time without Sam there to take care of me and realized that doug can take care of me, but he did it better. Like, Sam would be like "No more, go outside and I'll come out there." He was controlling like that and stuff. Doug's like, "hey babe, want some fresh air?" and then he walks out there with me. I was like what is this? A b/f who cares about my well being and not just his reputation? Me likey. He even walked me in and put me to bed (Kind of). Sam would just walk me to the door and as soon as I got in he was gone. I think I actually thought doug had left last night when I got in but then he helped me off the floor and put me in bed. I can't believe he stepped up! I was completely ready to just take care of myself all night. He even made sure I didn't forget my cell phone, which I totally would have. how perfect can one boy get?

GT#3: Sam is not good at cooking. I thought he was the best cook, like I used to tell ppl that he cooked better than I ever imagined and it was true at the time. But Doug cooked for me last night and it blew Sam out of the water. It was amazing and I'm so happy I have him in my life to cook for me whenever I want! :P

GT#4: I made my first adoption at petsmart today! It was Loomis, a 9 month old tabby cat with beautiful markings and he went to a house with a 9 year old and a teenager who had no other pets. It was a good match, I approved it and I filled out the paper work and cashed them out and made them all really happy!

GT#5: Amanda Dillion is taking me out tonight, first to the TKE's bid party and then to a club to see her brother's band play. I'm super excited for this b/c I love dilly and we hardly ever get to hang out!

GT#6: Tomorrow I not only get to enjoy a wonderful dinner with my family to celebrate the many Febuary Birthdays, BUT I also get to go to my first ever super bowl party. Guess whose? Doug's best friend's Jessica. I'm so excited I get to go b/c every time they have hung out I've been busy or something, so I get to see what they do when they are at her house. I hope it's just what I think, just hanging out and FRIEND stuff, but he interlaced fingers with her last night briefly. That's like finger sex to me and I think of it as a very intimate thing b/c I'm NUTZO, but he handled my concern well even in my drunken state he made me feel better by showing me the distinct difference btwn how he interlaces fingers with me and how he does with her and his other best friends who happen to be girls. The way he does it with me is WAY more intimate, so I'm good with it.

GT#7: THE PSP BOYS ARE TALKING TO ME AGAIN! YAY! I HAVE MY FRIENDS BACK!!!!! haha, this is a huge relief for me! Hiher drove me and stuffy to the party and he actually choose to sit next to me and we talked as if nothing had happened. I played kings cup with nick norton and steve, I did a shot with mikebrennan (I think), I hugged everyone, the only person I didn't talk to was sbrogs and that's bc I choose to ignore him for reasons that can be discussed in a less positive blog. So yeah, all boys were good and it was a really good party for them. I feel bad for the delt sigs bc I don't think many girls came to theirs.

SO yeah, I'm pretty much on cloud nine here. There are other not as big good things that have happened in my life lately, but just the normal I'm doing phenomenal in school and I have the best dog on Earth mambo jumbo. I think it's about time karma paid me back for all the good I've brought to everyone else's life. I'm definitely going to enjoy this, and Doug's amazing cooking, while it lasts :)

1 comment:

  1. lol, finger sex, LOL. I agree with you on that one point.
