Thursday, February 25, 2010

boys and my birthdays....

So I usually have a wonderful time on my birthday no matter what age I'm turning, but this year it's my 21st. I am getting a party bus Friday the 18th of June and I'm wearing a pink dress. All my guests must pay up front and wear a color other than pink :) We are going to begin the evening around 11 with a champaign toast to a beautiful 21 years of life then driving around to clubs and bars. I haven't planned the exact places yet but I'm thinking I want the classier bars in AA my sister told me about. Anyway! The boy will most likely come on the bus with me and my frds BUT, and this is a HUGE BUT, on my birthday, Saturday the 19th of June, he will be with his EX g/f chloe at her graduation party, as in graduation from HS. You know, the g/f he dedicated a song on his album to which is titled something like "i love you too babe." This doesn't make me happy, but I have to accept it. I know that I personally would never go to my ex b/f's anything over Doug's birthday day..... I guess we didn't really have plans that day but as a b/f I expect that he'd want to woo me that day somehow and there no way I'm going be wooed by him if he's with her. My instinct is saying trust him and don't think about it, but reality is saying she's a 17 yr old girl who used to be in love with him and since they haven't been that close as far as I know I'm just a little confused when looking at the details that surround this. It's my birthday and he's not only not going to see me, but he's going to be with another girl celebrating something of hers instead of something of mine. IDK man, I'm kind of tired of bf thinking I don't expect anything from them on my actual birthday. My last birthday Sam gave me a promise ring and forgot to make the promise.... seriously? it's just a ring if you do that and I can buy myself a better looking ring that means more to me. I'm just going to continue with my plans bc on my actual birthday night I'm going to reserve a booth at this nice club in Dbo I think for all my 21 and upper frds. Doug couldn't go anyway. Hopefully that day between me waking up and night time goes by ok bc I can just see me getting really upset from thinking about this too much while I sit alone in my apt on my birthday. ugh.... this is no good.... it's my birthday!

on a brighter note, this boy is seriously my other half. He wants to take me to the Oasis Hot tub gardens in AA. I've only been twice, once with Sam and I had to plan it all a pay for it and make sure he packed everything he needed... blah blah blah.... Doug is going to pretty much do it all and guess what? He can pack himself :O I know, it's amazing but I'm pretty sure he's good with that. It's so nice to have a bf who likes to do fun things! last night he took me to the hookah bar and we shared a smoothie, how cute is that? And he says the cutest things and he started touching me more, that sounds bad..... he started touching my face and putting his arm around me when we're out and that kind of touching. I'm glad that this is getting better with time and not worse like it usually does.Our relationship is like wine in that sense :) did I mention I wanted to spend sunday the 20th of June drinking wine and snuggling with Doug? We'll see if that happens or if I even still feel like drinking after two nights of actually drinking legally :X or if I'll want to snuggle with his after spending my birthday alone without him knowing he's with her. I used to love the name Chloe..... I wanted to name my kid Chloe, now this girl has kind of ruined that for me.

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