Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I love this show. It is stimulating in every way a television show can be. I just watched 3 episodes and had to really force myself not to watch the other 2 just yet, I must ration so I don't have to endure a dry spell again. Anyway, none of my frds are into this show so I'm going to talk about it on here. Angela and hodgens were engaged but then broke up. Her father tracked down hodgens, knocked him out, and put a huge tattoo of Angela's face and name on his arm. He was left in the middle of a desert to wake up to find this new piece of art and I thought it was brilliant. I've always wondered what I would do if someone ever hurt me. With Sam it was change living quarters and rejoice in my new single aura, but what if someone cheated on me or broke my heart before I was ready for the relationship to end? Now I know. It's not violent, or even really permanent since tattoos can be removed by very costly and painful procedure that often leaves deep scaring or the tissue affected, but it does the job sending the message of this person has hurt someone and bc of that he was once a bad person. It's fitting too, with the tattoo being a metaphor of being tattooed on one's heart forever and the scaring after removal like the scaring he left behind when he metaphorically removed himself from my heart. I can't think of anything better, or that matter funnier. I was cracking up when hodgens opened his eyes all alone in the desert to find the tattoo! So yeah, in short, it's good show.

It does put me in a very analytical mood though. I talked to Doug after watching an episode and he asked is he should be thinking of a way of revenge in case I ever cheated on him and I expressed that it would be the only logical thing to do since we determined that we *could* cheat on each other especially while away from one another. And I talked to him about the living with a guy thing which he didn't like at all but said he needed to think about where he stood on the matter. I kind of liked to see the jealous side of him for a change, it showed me that he does care about me and that's why we are in a monogamous relationship despite the historic human nature of depending on more than one partner to satisfy our needs. Dr. Brennan (aka BONES) says that human beings are not a monogamous species and that's her basis of why she could never get married. That and the fact that we could never tell how we will feel about someone in the future scientifically. GAWD i love this show! HAHA she was in a bridal dress store with Booth (the attractive angel actor) during an investigation and of course the owner thought they were tying the knot so she holds up a white vail to Bones and says this works well with your face shape and Bones replies, "Well that implies virginity and I have been sexually active for quite some time now." HAHAHA I love it. I love bones, I love booth, I love the show. And I hope I didn't scare Doug. I didn't mean that I might cheat on him, just that if it were me I would like to have a plan to release some vengeance in a healthy way in case that happens in this relationship or any other relationship he might have down the road. I did make it clear that if he isn't ok with the living with a boy and we are still together that I could change what I wanted and therefore change the arrangements all together. Now I kind of feel bad about that though bc if I know I can live with this boy without any sexual or romantic tension then I would most likely do it regardless unless of course I saw potential in Doug as a future husband and father of my children. It is way to early to even hypothesis if I could feel that way about him by August though, so I guess what I told him was partly true. I don't think I'd stay with someone again if I didn't feel something along those lines........ he would be a good father though, JUST SAYING!

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