Friday, January 1, 2010


I started 2010 off feeling like crap! I was achy, I could not stop sneezing long enough to catch my breath, my glands were huge, and my throat was so scratchy. I thought for sure I had what Doug had the night before, but I was determined to continue my sick-free streak of almost a year now. So I upped my vitamin C dose to 1,000 mg, ate a banana, yogurt, eggs, and yogi throat tea. I drank three pitchers of brita water, then I covered up on the couch and watched TV. I was feeling a little bit better in about an hour, so I decided I would try to go grocery shopping. As soon as I walked outside I felt bad again, but I still went. and this is what I learned; When you go grocery shopping when you feel like crap you only want to get healthy foods. So that worked out. Anyway, by the time I was home again I ate lunch and felt 100% better. I felt so good that I wanted to go to the gym. So I did, and although I took it easy b/c I was afraid if I over did it would have a relapse, I did manage to run my mile doing intervals of 3.5, 5.5, and 6.5. So that was good. and now I'm back home relaxing and admiring my immune system. I fought off a cold in less than 24 hours. That's pretty impressive if you take into account that I used to get sick on average 4/5 times a semester no matter what I did. Tomorrow I am going to wake up early for the first time this break and get back into my morning workouts b/c I really think that's a huge part of my immune system being so strong. That and the daily 500 mg of vitamin C I try to remember to take.

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