Friday, January 29, 2010

Volunteering :)

Today was my first day at the Westland center and let me tell you, it is a nice place. It's the newest of the three centers and the dogs each have glass rooms about the size of my kitchen and a back area they can go to be alone that I couldn't see the size of They have blankets and bones and they all run up to the glass to greet people which is SO Important when they're up for adoption. They actually go through training to get them to do this in order to increase their chances of being adopted and also to exhaust their brains and get them thinking about something other than being locked up. They had two puppy rooms that were less attractive, but puppies always go fast so it's not so bad. They were all playing with each other and looked generally happy as dogs should be. The cat room was awesome too, with a play scape suspended from the ceiling where the cats would play and climb on. The other room I saw was the bunny room where 4 chubby little bunnies were nibbling away at some fresh veggies. I didn't see one sad animal and that made me happy. I did see many families coming in to adopt and that also made me happy.

My main job was to put together packets for the cats that are being adopted out from the petsmart in taylor where I'll be tomorrow morning. It just had the basic paper work in it but I enjoyed seeing all the effort put into finding a good cat/owner match. I'm so excited to actually do it tomorrow!

I was on the website looking for other time slots they could use me at petsmart and I noticed they needed dog walkers on the time that I'm available. I just finished emailing Jammal about what I need to do to be qualified to take the dogs out. This would be the ultimate position, actually playing with these dogs who have been turned out by their once trusted masters and recreating the bond between human and animal. Ok, maybe I'm looking too far into it, but I just wanna play with the puppies! HAHA So, that's all very exciting and also my practicum school is literally just down the street from the center so it all works out! Now I just need to schedule the Oakland center and I'm set up for an amazing semester!

PS. I'm seeing Doug tomorrow night! YAY! I'm also having lunch with my friend Kelly Doer and possibly going to a party with Dani later that night. But who knows, I'm on this weird kick of not going to parties. I've canceled two this week already and it's not even the weekend. I'm a little concerned by this, but not too much. I'm sure once things settle down and I get antsy again I'll start hitting up all the parties again and live up to my deepher award 2009 of party girl! haha aight, good night who ever takes the time out to read these incredibly indescribable blogs I write. Like what was this even about? 4 different things? Nice.

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