Thursday, January 28, 2010

My world's on FIRE, how 'bout yours?

That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored!

I'm not an all star, so I'm not going to get my 'game on' and I'm not a rock star so I won't be getting the 'show on' to 'get paid.' So enough with the old smash mouth song.

My life is on FIRE though. I just realized how crazy my schedule is this semester and it's still not set in stone. I'm used to everything being done and squared away before the semester starts so that I can just fall into a routine and get things done, but I always get bored. This semester, my classes changed, my work schedule is still changing, I've added three volunteer time slots two of which are still tentative, I have to get 45 hours at a practicum that hasn't been scheduled yet, I'm trying to lose weight, and I'm convinced I'm going to spend as much time as I possibly can with my girls and at least SOME time with Doug (who I haven't been able to see in almost a week now).

Some might call this hectic, other might say I'm overloading myself and I'm going to get run down, but I say that this what I like. I love having to go from one thing to another and I love using my time to benefit other ppl while bringing joy and happiness into mine. I love planning, and I'm good at it, which is why all of these things can be done. I have factored in driving time, 'lady time,' and rest time to rejuvenate myself. There have been no problems yet, and things are starting to settle down and get that routine feel, but I still need to incorporate the practicum and the Oakland shelter and the Pet Smart position. For me, this keeps things interesting. It's when my life gets stagnant and routine like that I feel comfortable at first knowing exactly whats going to happen when, but then bored. Then I get antsy and I lose focus. It might sound crazy, but I do my best work while multi-tasking to a certain degree. This is why I do my homework in front of the TV watching BONES or Will & Grace. My brain has to be stimulated or I'll lose interest.

Side Note; I feel like I should put in here that I am finally sick. Not just a cold, I have strep. I had a sore throat monday night and was convinced it would go away like it had before even though it was worse than it had been earlier in the month. When I woke up, it was def pussing and I def tasted blood, so I went to the dr where she swabbed me and did the less accurate but faster test right there in the office. It came back positive, she gave me meds (which were free at mejier), and I went to class. I feel bad when I'm sick like everyone else, but add medicine to the mix and I feel down right awful. My head spins, I get light headed easily, my body drags, and I taste it. The tasting it thing started in the hospital when my gal bladder was taken out and I could taste the morphine when they would inject it into my IV. When I go a while without eating anything, I taste the Amoxicillin, which is why I try to always be snacking on nuts or veggies. Water just amplifies the taste, so I need to get cranberry juice (something Sam started to do for me every time my throat would hurt and it's become a security blanket). Tuesday when I woke up in the middle of night, I was achy and felt like I was dying and all I could do was roll over to Lady and cry b/c I wanted someone to take care of me. I wanted someone to Iphone the nearest clinic that would take me the earliest, and I wanted someone to surprise me with juice. I wanted to be babied, but I'm glad I wasn't b/c in the long run, there's only going to be me and possibly my dog. I'm going to need to do everything for myself and that includes making myself better when I'm sick.

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