Saturday, January 2, 2010

Life after a four yr relationship

Today, like many days, I had zero human interaction. Ppl don't understand what that's like. The closest I came to a real conversation was a phone call from my sister about a tv show and the guy at the gym saying have a nice workout. I left the apt twice, once to go to the bank and then the gym and the second time just to simply go somewhere. It continues to suck without my old frds who have left with him and I can't seem to find a new best friend who I can count on to always be there for days like these when I need to just go over someones house and have a snowball fight or something other than watching tv or cleaning things that are not even dirty. Even lady is distancing herself from me, she no longer snuggles up to me at night. She prefers to sleep on the total opposite side of the bed all night and when I pick her up and try to force her to cuddle she leaves as soon as she's able. I'm like an outcast from an astranged Indian trib. The chief has choosen to not cosider me part of his life and so the rest of the trib tends to follow. I call my friends and they either have something else going on or are sick. I was so excited when Ersida called me thinking she had time to hang out and catch up, but all she wanted was a favor from me. My other little hasn't spoken to me in months, my big just got back in town but is always with her bf, my best friend in the sorority is always working and tonight she was out with other friends that idk, other sisters were sick, some were out with ppl they knew from HS, and I was left alone all day. I kept busy by doing my nails, relaxing, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, and I started to reread a book titled lost and found. I thought it was fitting for my situation. I just can't stress how crappy it is that I had no other true friends besides mutual frds with Sam and how even more crappy it is that they don't want anything to do with me after the break up. So i guess they werent even true friends. Granted they aren't hanging out with him all the time either, but that doesn't make it less sucky for me. I feel like my life schedule is so mixed up. I know God has a plan and all but from my limited perspective I would have had real best friend enter at age 18, Sam enter at age 21, and future hubby enter at age 22/23. I feel like that would have made for the most joy from life. Too bad life isn't about joy. Ppl say it's about challenges, but I think my life is more about irony of how perfect it could have been if such an order of events had existed. None of this changes the fact that I'm extremely lonely tonight. It's 2 am and all I want is for this day to be over but of course, that woukd give me too much joy. I can't fall asleep. I've been trying since 12:30. This day is going to last forever.

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