Thursday, January 14, 2010


First I should say that I had an ideal day of class today. I went to work from 8-11:15, then had class at 11:30, after which Adrianna picked me up and we hung out for about an hour. Then I watched the blues brothers with *Him* and went to my two math classes. Between my math classes I hung out with more sisters and afterwards I went over my old HS friend's BF's house which is right by my gym (of course stopping home to take lady out first). That's where I snowboarded for the first time!

There's a huge hill outside his apartment building and there were sleds and snowboards. The boys were really good at it, but I got on and my first try I went half way down the hill, and I jumped off before I fell, so no harm done. Actually, I didn't fall once, which to me indicates that I can do better. But yeah, I tried again and went all the way down!

I also made a snow angel and we all made a buddha/pirate snowman and enjoyed the best hot chocolate while we dried off. It was really fun and I'm really proud of myself for snowboarding. I want to get a board and do it for reals! It makes the snow so much easier to handle!

So tomorrow I get to hear my boy record the base line for his album. I was so surprised when he asked if I wanted to go with him, that's like his baby and for him to share this part of his world with me means a lot to me. I know I made a good choice opening up to him now.

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