Saturday, January 16, 2010

20th anniversary

I'll make this short and sweet b/c I am drained. I had so much fun meeting our founders and dancing with them and catching up with my lil sis, but then a slow dance would play and I'd really want to dance with doug. I knew he had to work, so I texted him and he never responded. I ignored it and just danced with my girls, but doug and i talked about him coming late just to dance so I'm surprised he just blew me off like that. IDK, maybe I told him not to come, I don't really remember, but in any case why all of a sudden is he ignoring me? There has to me a logical reason, I can not have made the same mistake twice. I just hope he calls me tomorrow and says his phone died and he fell asleep before it charged or something that makes sense. If his reason is that he went out with his 'girls' to necto or worse with his boys to the strip club, I might end it. I'm not doing that again. I love this kid and have a lot of faith that it will not be the latter, but at this point I just don't know. He has left my mind wandering and that is creating doubt that really has no place being there. He hasn't given me a reason to think things like this so I'm going to try and sleep and pretend that he is not ignoring me like sam did. I'm going to act like I never texted him so that I can have sweet dreams. Good night universe.

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