Monday, November 30, 2009


Just got a message from my semi date telling me that *Ryan* told him that if he had sex with me at semi, to make sure I call him Sam. WTF!?!?!?! This creeps me out on so many levels! Since when have I ever had sex with anyone I haven't known for four years? And when have I ever has sex at semi? NEVER! that's when. Gawd and y does he want me to pretend like I'm having sex with him?!??!? This creeps me out the most!!!!! Been there. Done that. Don't want to do it again! I'm seriously freaking out about this. I can handle rumors he starts, or him giving his permission to his brothers to date me as if I were his freaking possession but seriously this is too much. Now my date might back out bc Sam is obviously not ok with this and if it wasn't going to be awkward before now it def will. Seriously.....fml. I can not believe this person used to be good.

1 comment:

  1. you've got to get to a place where he doesn't bother you. its a great place to be. i'll call sam if you want. like i told you before, i think you should call him and let him know you don't want to hear, think or see him for the rest of your entire life. but mostly, you have got to get control of the situation. you can't change other people or what they say/do, just be in complete control of the way you react and handle it. if this were me, it wouldn't even phase me. just means he's not over you if he can't stop talking about you. like i told you before, when $ accidently got deposited into shaun's account and he wouldn't give it back to me i just told him, gosh, i'm prettier than i thought, bc all this means is your STILL not over me =) it didn't phase me at all, but i bet he thought about that for a good while. To truly be over someone means they no longer affect anything in your life. no matter if that's through someone else or not. you can not like them, even hate them, but if you do this than they are affecting you, because hate only hurts the one using their time/energy to do the hating. So get to a point where you have NO feeling at all towards him and you'll be much happier.
