Saturday, November 7, 2009

Freakin' day

Where to begin!? lets start with yesterday. I called off work to go see my grandpa in the hospital. Once at the hospital the doctor, who was more than a little than a jerk, came in and said he needed to get surgery to get a stint put in the tub connecting the kidney to the bladder bc it was blocked. So this was scheduled for this morning.

that brings us to today. I wake up at 8:30 and go directly to my laptop to continue writing my research paper. I'll run through this real fast: around 10:30 I get ready to leave for my volunteer project for class. I work at the arts n' scraps warehouse for two hours putting together bags of scraps for children to make self portraits with. Back home I have just enough time to make a personal pizza and get dressed for initiation.

When I arrive at initiation, I am asked to place my phone in a bucket with all of my sisters phones so that we are not distracted throughout the evening. I am reluctant to do this bc I the last text I got from my mom was that grandpa was going in for the stint surgery and I was awaiting the outcome. I place my iphone in the bucket and walk downstairs. That's when alex tells me that my good friend tim has decided to 'cut ties' with me bc it would be best for both of us. This is a shock bc tim has told me time and time again how much of a blessing I am in his life and how much he needs me. Even more of a shock is that he isn't even going to tell me this, he asked her to do it for him.

We get a 10 minute break and I run upstairs to find the text from my mom that the surgery was not good. There were complications with his heart during the procedure and they almost called code blue. Thats when I realize that it was just last year at initiation that sam's grandma passed away. I was very close to eyiee and it was really hard to deal with my own grief and be there for sam as well. I bent over backwards to ease his pain.

Anyway, I put my phone back in the bucket and walked back to the basement. I sat through the next hour in a daze thinking about everything and how mad I was at myself for not being with sam last year when eyiee passed. I left initiation as soon as I got the word but I wasn't there when I should have been. So I thought about what I should do now. Should I continue to stay here while my grandpa, or grandma or mom, might need me?

When we got another break, I told kara that I had to go. It just didn't feel right being there when I wasn't sure how my grandpa was. I drove straight to oakwood where more of this tim drama unfolded. He had messaged my mom about the same thing he had told alex.

Once I see that grandpa is ok for tonight and on the way to transferring to u of m where he'd get better care by physicians who have worked with him before, I headed home. On the way I called Tim and had a nice long conversation about what he was thinking when he said that stuff. He told me that he thought it was best for both of us so naturally when I told him that that's not what I wanted he changed his mind. Apparently his 'frd' had put this idea in his head, ironically the same 'frd' who had just talked to me and left me with the thought that he was happy tim and I were still frds.

I get home and immediately talk to this 'frd' (we'll call him Napoleon bc he has a touch of a Napoleon complex) about this. Napoleon tells me he said no such thing, that tim had already made the decision to stop talking to me b4 he talked to him about it. This is load of crap, but I wasn't asking for an explanation anyway. I was simply asking Napoleon to stop telling tim what to do bc earlier on the phone tim said something about how everyone is telling him what he should do and it was confusing him. We ended up going back and forth and he ended up saying I was controlling.

REALLY!?!?!?! AH! if you ever want to watch me go from zero to ten, say that I'm controlling someone's life. It's sam all over again.

While I'm basically going off on Napoleon for saying that, I get a phone call from Tim telling me to stop talking to Napoleon bc Napoleon just called him yelling bc he was upset at me. Napoleon, upset at me? was I the one making accusations? No. Was I the one who thought a relationship only meant dating? No. And was I the one who bluntly lied about what they had told Tim? No. So why Napoleon was upset is beyond me. He had no reason to be.

Well, if you know me you know that I don't take well to being told what to do, even if it is something as insignificant as to stop talking to Napoleon. So this frustrated me even more, but not nearly as much as the whole "ur controlling him, stop being his mother" crap did.

I'm still very frustrated at all of this bc Napoleon doesn't have his facts straight and Tim is not really laying it out for him well enough. I hate Napoleon. I hate little boys who think they know everything that goes on between everyone and has to stick their nose in where it obviously does not belong. I am not over this an I will not be over this until Napoleon realizes how much he is hindering Tim's mental growth by taking charge of every aspect of his life. Napoleon owes me a HUGE apology and although Tim thinks it is all water under the bridge, he is sadly mistaken.

1 comment:

  1. lol!!!!!! you are adorable. I'm glad you got stuff worked out with Timmm?? I guess? lol, and yes, Napolean DOES have his complex!
