Sunday, November 22, 2009


last night a boy brought a bottle of wine over and we watched a movie and shared the entire bottle. We talked til 2am. I met him through my big sis, stuffy, but our first date did not go so well. It ended with him choking me and thus leaving a full hand print on my neck, lol, that sounds worse than it was. It didn't hurt, I honestly didn't think he did it hard enough to leave a mark, but w/e. It happened, lol!

Anyway, so he since that night his dog who he was very close to, similar to lady and I, passed away and he cancelled every date we had planned afterwards. So last night I was hanging out on my fb zoo and expecting a text canceling, when he knocked on my door. He apologized for the 'funk' he had been in the last few weeks and we talked a lot. I feel like I really got to know him, and he is such a typical guy. Which isn't a bad thing necessarily. I forgot how good I am at reading ppl. For example, he lifted his shirt to show me where he would put a tattoo if he were to get one, to which I replied "are you just showing me this so I can see ur six pack?" lol, I was dead on. So typical!

It was a breath of fresh air to meet someone who fit into the stereotypical male I have a pic of in my mind. I'm really happy he came by, he's really sweet when his hand isn't on ur throat :P

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