Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Th hills have eyes!

Let me start off by saying that I never want to go to Tennessee again. I know there was talk amongst the other grandchildren of taking a road trip down here to see papa’s grave, but they will be making that trip without me.

Everyone up here is slow. The way they move, the way they talk, the way think. Slow, slow, slow. Everything is slow. The speed limits are 55 mph, but since the roads meander up and down hills, you can never get up to speed without slamming on ur breaks and turning. I swear I have never used my breaks so much in my life.

Everyone is cluttered and lazy. I have never seen so much junk in all my life. Ppl have houses that all look like junk yards. When we would see one (of about 5) clean yards, the next one would be so bad it discredited the first.

There is nothing here. There is NOTHING here. One kid was bragging about his city, a few towns over, having ONE restaurant.

I did learn somethings on this trip, like why marriage is such a big deal to me. It’s bc my grandma is obsessed with it. Every time she introduced a new person it was always, she’s married to him, or she lived a long long time alone before she married him, or even she never did marry, so sad…..

Also I learned that men want to own everything. There was not a pond or a house we highlighted that david (the usual driver) would say man I’d love to own that! Women can just enjoy the beauty of nature while men, have to own it or be in control of it to truly enjoy it. Not only that but I could go on and on about the sexism I’ve encountered down here that they usually call “southern charm.” I’m sorry but I am not no ‘lil’ missy’ and I can drive myself around safely without a man escorting me. And you know what? I can even open my own doors :O I know, big concept, especially for ppl down here to grasp.

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