Monday, March 15, 2010


Yesterday I had an itchy throat. So of course I scratched it. At night it was hurting but I assumed it was just sore from my scratching it so I stopped scratching it and it continued to hurt worse. The I felt heat across my sinus area so I knew I was getting sick. This morning my throat is almost unbearable and my nose is so runny :( I'm achy all over and my head won't stop pounding. I called around for subs but of course only one person actually answered and she was like "well it's 8 now and I live 20 minutes away so after I get ready it'll be around 10." Seriously women? It takes u and hour and a half just to shower and get ready for work? They're kids, you don't need look ur best! But I had to go with her anyway bc she was the only person. I called Tammy and I guess they really need ppl.... I feel so bad bc I want to go in and work but I can't and if I did force myself to go in, I could get other ppl, and kids that I adore, sick. I have to finish my pp that's due at 6 but I can't focus on anything except my body wanting to rest and recover from this. I'm not going to the doctors only bc I hate how anti-bioctics makes me feel and that's really all they could give me since I have decongestives here.I think I'll sleep a little longer and finish my pp before my practicum.... I need to go to that bc I missed 2 days already with SB but the kids are bigger and I'll keep my distance from them. At the preschool they all want to sit on my lap and hug me and what not.

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