Friday, March 12, 2010

hum, cheating? me? naw!

So I've had to keep my where abouts the last three nights a secret from Doug for reasons beyond my control, so I understand that that secret makes a mind wander. I personally wouldn't be ok with not knowing where he was, but he seemed fine with it when I explained to him and that was that. Well, someone (an unknown 313 number) texted doug and said your gf cheated on u last night or something along those lines. So I wake up to a text from Doug asking me to explain. I called him and realized that he's not ok with not knowing where I am those three nights and that he kind of believed that text. So I told him where'd I had been and where I will be a few other nights that were supposed to stay secret and he understood why I hadn't told him to begin with. I told him that I wasn't cheating on him, but I'm not sure he believed it..... I just don't like how ppl try to get innocent ppl hurt. This is a definite social flaw that needs to fixed asap. Unfortunately we cannot control anyone other than ourselves so I will have to deal with it. I just hope Doug stops this second guessing thing he's doing with me. I'm one of those brutally honest ppl, granted not as brutal as he is, but still, I'll give true facts and I don't hide things when I'm in a relationship. He needs to understand that and I think he will. It's just hard bc I've been so busy this week that we haven't had the chance to see each other.

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