Wednesday, March 10, 2010

feels like the crowd is saying give me more!

Since I have gotten back in MI, my life has pretty much been non stop running around. Right now I am emercing myself is precalc since I failed to study over break and I have a test tomorrow. But this has made me realize how incredibly amazing I am, body and mind. Despite the crazy running around, poor eating habits, and no gym time, I lost 5lbs since I have returned from SB. I have managed to organize an alum dinner and a fundraiser and made huge dents in planning the big alum luncheon in may. I have stayed on top of my studies, I nailed my midterm that I hardly studied for, and I had time to get a chiro adjustment. This is all in 4 days ppl. The thing I'm really proud of myself for lately, is understand ch. 2 for precalc. I managed to do problems from every section (that's 8 sets of 70-100 problems) in two days and understand the material. I'm going to do really good on this test bc I'm incredible like that. I can envision an A+ being handed back to me. I can feel my hand writing down the correct answers as fast as it can go. I can taste the satisfaction of turning in an A+ paper. So it will happen. That's the secret ya know ;)

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