Monday, October 26, 2009

What will they come up with next?

So today I get a text from a snake saying that a phi sig was talking to him about how I'm prolly spending more money since sam is not in my life anymore to pay for all my necessities. HA! What? When did this kid ever pay for anything for me? I think the only he ever bought me were promise rings (none over $100 of course, we weren't rich!)

So lets lay this one out for you. I'm 16 with a balla savings account and sam's 17 with no bank account, no job, no money (except the $20 his mom would give him to buy fast food b/c at this point that's all he'd eat, and he'd eat $20 worth a day. Tis is way he was over 300 pounds when I met him. but moving on). He wants an ipod and the new xbox 360. He negs and negs and negs and begs and begs and begs for weeks, but I finally give in b/c I'm with him all the time and I can't take it! Then when he 'buys' my truck off my dad (in payments of $100 a month) he needs help paying it. I pay for it for a few months. When his parents were going bankrupt I off my money. A littler here, a little there, and BAM! my saving account was spent on sam.

So we start working at my dad's office, both making the same amount, but for some reason I was still expected to pay for dinner, gas, entertainment, etc. I even ended up giving him alcohol money once in a while. Why you might ask? because we were in it for the long run and he would eventually pay me back (so why haven't I seen a cent yet?)

Let's fast forward to a year ago. We are having problems b/c he is staying out at the bar every night and blowing me off for his frat boys! (NO i do not mean fraternity brothers, I mean exactly what I said. deal with it.) At this point he is working as a dish washer and I am making less than him at the preschool. He is working on becoming more of a savor (which he has obviously never been) so I would still pay for things. His gas for his car, $20 to go the bar to check out other girls, etc. ....Good times.....

So this is why when I heard this information, I was ferious at first. Now, 30 minutes after the fact, I am cracking up. This is really funny when you think about it, Sam is going crazy. He's an idiot who doesn't belong in college but, thx to me, was able to pull up his C and below report card in high school and go to baker college. What a great college! Then, also thx to his study buddy (aka me), went to Wayne state university. his whole hick family had a celebration!!! their boy was at a university! And guess what? his parents thanked ME for helping him focus. Then He transferred to U of M Dearborn and joins a frat. Again his parents and sam himself could not thank me enough! A wright going to a university was one thing but joining a frat and taking leadership roles was just mind boggling!

Well you're welcome wright family. For paying for so much and not asking for anything in return, for helping your boy raise his grades and put more emphasis on studying and education, for introducing him to those awesome phi sigs, and for being there for your family through thick and thin and not expecting a thing in return. You're welcome for letting you walk all over me. good luck finding another one as kind as I was to you.

....HA Sam paying for ME?!?! In what world?

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