Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Semi formal is right around the corner and it is stressing me out! Not only do I have to decide who I'm bringing but I also need to pick a roomie. Usually Sam woukd pick who we roomed with because he's a cry baby and would cry about it all night if he didn't click with our roomie or their date. So now I'm deciding for the first time ever and most of the girls I want to room with have bfs and want a room to themselves. Alex said I can room with her which is awesome bc I won't have to worry about being locked out of my room while they have 'alone time.' but now for who I'm taking.

I love this kid who joined the phi sigs last winter and I already asked him (gawd I was nervous). He said yea but he has to clear that date with work. So i'm still waiting for def answer and it's killing me! Bit then I realize that Sam hates every guy I talk to and that would create such a strain on their already fragile brotherhood (if that's what they call it). Sam has made other brothers cancel their tentative plans with me before, what would be dif about this time? And if he can go do we sleep in the same bed as assumed? And do we dance together? What if I'm not a good dancer? It's funny how i didn't care how good I was at dancing until now. And what about drinking? Our roomies might not drink but I want to. But then what if he doesn't drink? He's a really nice boy, I feel like he doesn't do anything wrong but I do everything wrong. I hate worrying about stuff like this, I hate that I care what someone other than an employer thinks of me.

Hopefully he'll get back to me asap with a def yes bc if he says no I'll prolly end up taking someone below me who I won't care what their opinions are of me. This ones like on my level, kind of. We haven't really hung out one on one yet. But I know he's a good guy. Super cute too!

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