Monday, October 19, 2009


while sitting around after getting out of class early, I decided to make a list of requirements for my future (like 2 years or more down the road) boyfriend. I'm not going to explain them all b/c some are just common sense.

1) Touch. I need someone who doesn't leave bruises on me. My next serious bf will be able to beat ppl up but touch me like I'm glass.

2) Language. No C words or P words plz!

3) Big drinker? NO! Sure, drink socially to have a good time (with me preferably) but he will not be drinking by himself or every night with the boys. that's just not happening.

4) Bar Nights? NOPE! I understand if there's a special event like a birthday at the bar or something along those lines, but guy nights at the bar will be limited to 2 a year. And that's a big compromise for me. Coming from the relationships I have, my next bf is lucky to have any hope of bar nights with the boys. Now if he wants me to go with and I feel like going, which isn't often, that's a different story..... see "only have eyes for me" for more on this topic.

5) Strip club? Absolutely not. I can't date someone who has ever been to a strip club or has any ambition to go. I do not condone that and neither will my next bf.

6) Cultured.

7) Legitimately fun. Preferably without saying every two minutes, "this is sweet, YEAH!" b/c when he's with me, that should be a given.

8) Family interactions. Nothing sweeter than a boy who has mad respect for his parents and who charms yours into thinking he's the guy for you. (no momma boys plz)

9) Friend interactions. Are you going to go out with your friends and do things that I don't want to associate myself with? NO. So my next bf will have minimal changes in his behavior in different crowds.

10) Spontaneous.

11) Only have eyes for me. When we are out in public there will be no looking at other women. all focus will be on me, I am the center of your world and that's the way you like it. This applies to bars and when we are with his frds. He will not ignore me to have long conversations with his buddies. When I am in the room all he wants to do is talk to me. (this does not mean I can't decide not to talk to him in situations like parties where he'll need to hold his own, see clinginess).

12) Past relationships. How did they end? Were you in love? Are you still frds.? Etc......etc....

13) Maturity level.

14) Age. He will not be younger than me, he will most likely be above the age of 23, but I am willing to compromise on this ONE and go down to 21 and up.

15) Importance of School.

16) Fb usage. Too much? Too little? Does he write notes that make me want to vomit? is his info similar to an online dating profile? etc.

17) Hair play. Enough to feel good, not enough to mess it up or annoy me. My next bf will love my hair, as he will love everything about me.

18) The 'i love you' factor. I'm all about fast pace but I can tell when it's not legit. My next bf will understand that I can love the person you are and say i love you when appropriate, but when I'm in love with you, I will say "I am so IN love with you." not just I love you. and it will be said that way until i fall out of love with you. I say how I feel, so take it at face value and do not feel like you have to respond if you have a different way of looking at it.

19) Honesty and Loyalty.

20) Self sufficient. Self motivated. There will be no relying on me for food/gas/clothes/etc. There will be no "wake me up at this time." No you will wake up on your own, you will buy me things, you will be independent.

21) Selfless.

22) Clinginess. There won't be any. He will be his own person and thus he can stand by himself in the same way that I can stand by myself. I do not expect him to be with me all the time nor do I want him with me all the time. Been there, done that, hated it. It ended after 4 years. I'm not going back.

23) Actual dating. My next bf will always plan cute dates no matter how long we are together. I expect to be pampered for the entire relationship.

24) Money. This isn't a huge one on my list, but he will be able to pay for a lot of things. I'm not asking for diamond rings (not after getting three that all meant nothing) or pearl necklaces (I can buy own), but gifts, such as flowers and fun dates to cedar point, are expected.

25) Attractiveness. I have to be attracted to him, this includes everything on this list (his personality) and his looks. I'm not expecting brad pitt (although I would take him) but I don't expect you to be uglier than Samuel Wright. That's taking it too far and I will turn my next bf down if this situation occurs. I know that sounds shallow, but Sam looks like a douche bag so really there shouldn't be any problems.

26) General Concern for me. My next bf will put my interests above everything. He will know when I've been crying even though I say I haven't and know how to turn my day around. This goes hand in hand with eyes for me b/c out of all his frds my opinion is the one he will listen to, etc.

27) Sense of humor. Gotta be able to laugh and appreciate the funny things I do.

28) Have a future. I am done with these boys who aren't going anywhere! How can you live like that? No ambition = no stephanie.

29) Confidence level. Not enough to be cocky but enough to be comfortable in his skin and take criticism well.

30) Good conversation. How does it flow? How interesting is it? does it keep my attention? Do I want to talk to him?

That's it! That's all I want in a guy. Is that so much to ask?

1 comment:

  1. lol that is kinda a lot to ask ! i see conflict with only have eyes for me and clinginess. can he only wanna talk to you while you're and simultaneously not be clingy? lol you're funny steph
