Thursday, December 10, 2009

Right where I want to be.

I love my life. There is no doubt on my mind that Sam and I were not meant to be together. He meant to change into this mean person and I was meant to move on to better things. I love that I live in canton instead of d riv. I love that I'm doing exceptionally well in school. I love that I'm closer to my family. I love that I've filtered out the a list friends from the b list friends. I love that I am beginning a real relationship.

He makes me dance around my apt and curl up in my comfortable and have dreams that it's really his arms wrapped around me. Ths is so much better than what Sam and I had, even back in the day. He likes me for my craziness and doesn't want me to change at all. He likes that I randomly break into a pillow fight or try to surf down stairs on pillows. He cares about weather or not I sleep and how my day was. He understands the little importance I do put on school and respects that I need my own study time bc he needs that too. I love everything about him and he totally fullfills all but four requirements and those four are things I have to learn over time. I'm just really happy now and I can't even remeber my life with Sam. It's like I burried in my memory bc it was so horrible. I can't wait til finals are over bc he's taking me downtown Plymouth that weekend.

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