Tuesday, December 29, 2009

the first real date in about 6 years

He picked me up at 6 after I literally tried on everything in my closet and threw it over my bed when I didn't like it enough and took me to downtown plymouth. The lights were a pretty in the little bit of snow that we have and it was freezing, but my new scarf kept me warm. We ate at panera b/c he wanted to make sure there was a vegetarian option that I would like. I ordered a half salad first and went for my wallet to pay (I hear the first rule of dating is always try to pay first, if he offers then you can let him). The he told the guy we were together and ordered his meal and paid for both with a $50 bill (not that that's imp, but I was shocked). We had the best conversations over dinner, not that crap I would talk to tim or any other guy about. We talked about cannibalism and suicide and his new album. I know it's not ideal, but I really like talking about things of substance that require a little bit of intelligence. After dinner we went to a desert place. He ordered mint chocolate chip ice cream, so naturally I asked if that was his fave. Guess what. It's not. What's his fave you ask? VANILLA. second fave? COOKIE DOUGH! third fave? mint chocolate chip. That is exactly my line up of fave ice cream. how ironic is that? of course he didn't believe me when I said "Oh me too." b/c who would? I know I wouldn't if tables were turned.

Anyway, I got a cappuccino and we went walking in the cold. Then we kind of got lost, or rather the car was lost. We knew our location, but the car's was unknown. So we searched for it and finally found it. Then he offered to take me to his house, which we headed towards. We tried to look at the Hine's drive lights but it was closed (I think these lights might be made up but these up river ppl to screw with the down river ppl's heads). At his house he showed me around, I met his mom first who was so nice. Then his brothers and his dad came home and I met them. His youngest brother was staying with their grandma so I haven't seen him yet. He showed me his room which has a bookshelf with pretty good books that he's read, like the secret. He also had guitars, and he played for me. OMG, i freaking melted. My attraction to this kid with a guitar in his hand is dangerous. He's really good. He let me hear a few of his songs that he wrote and they were so good. I can't wait till his CD comes out b/c I can seriously see me listening to it, and not just b/c he's adorable but b/c i actually like the music.

Back downstairs his mom made us starbuck's holiday coffee with holiday cream in it and it was so good! We watch a movie called six days and seven nights then came back to my apt to play wii sports. Then he went to leave and i hugged him. then he didn't let go. the he kissed me. then we made out. And of course my sister is texting me right at this minute! so we stop, he says goodbye again and leaves. He just texted me to say he was home ok. I like that he is so considerate of me. Like the panera thing, and the texting thing. He knows I'll worry if I don't know that he's home safe and he doesn't mind letting me know when he gets home. Sam thought it was controlling but I don't mean it like that. I just don't want to wake up in the morning to hear that my cute date was t-boned by a semi on his way home from my apt last night. He gets that. He kind of understands me which is why I'm so head over heals for him. This whole thing is very dangerous, I'm seeing him on nye. We're going to a club in aa with his frds. I need help choosing an outfit. It took me an hour to decide on jeans and letters for tonight, gawd it could take me days to pick out an out for nye with him! I don't have that kind of time! I should start looking now.

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